Prescott Philosophy
Mission and Vision
Our Mission:
“At Colegio Anglo Americano Prescott, we educate people comprehensively, preparing them to face life with a transcendental sense. Along this process, we respect them as single beings when developing their potential in an academic excellence, intercultural and dynamic context”.
Our Vision:
“Be a devoted and bilingual educational community that educates referring people with social and ethical responsibility, oriented towards international academic excellence that contributes to building a better world”.
Institutional Principles
Personalized Humanist Education
The Educational Project is guided by the transcendental sense of the human individual and is developed according to the essential and single nature of each student, by means of educational monitoring that consistently responds to their needs, possibilities and aims.
Educational cooperation with the family
Parents are deemed the first educators of their children and the family as the primordial setting in the education and development of the individual. The Educational Project is a branch proposal that collaborates with the family educational Project. Accompanying parents in their educational role for their children within the school educational context.
Freedom of religion
The Educational Project, consistent with the underlying anthropological vision, is inspired by the principles and value of the Christian vision of life and the human person, respecting in all aspects, freedom of religion for each member of the Educational Community.
The educational model proposed by the Educational Project is fundamentally co-educational, with the aim to develop the social dimension of the person and promote complementarity of genders based on knowledge and mutual respect. Also, proper, adequate and enough moments are provided so as to cover the different characteristics and needs of each gender, thought the stages of their personal development.
Bilingual Education
Students are educated under the openness for Exchange and Integration in cultural diversity, based on their own identity, through bilingual education in English as a lingua franca for the global world and with a special emphasis on the use of new communication and information technologies.
Education for personal competence
The purpose of Prescott’s Educational Project is to achieve a high humanist, scientific, technological and cultural educational level. All of this is achieved through the personal development of necessary competences and attitudes in order to meet the requirements of the global world in autonomous display, cooperation, positive leadership, solidary initiative and social responsibility.
Education for sustainable environmental development and defense of life
Students are educated in individual and collective responsibility for the conservation of the natural environment, the preservation of biological diversity, efficient economy of the use and reuse of resources and social ecological development.
Institutional Objectives
Creation of the Life Personal Project of each Student
Guide and prepare students to choose their own Life Personal Project and carry it out based on their own identity, responsible and solidary freedom with the natural and social environment.
Comprehensive Development of the Students
Promote comprehensive education of all students in their body, psychic, spiritual, intellectual and social dimensions through harmonic development of their aptitudes, capacities and possibilities.
Active Participation of the Family in the School Educational Project
Involve Parents and the family in the comprehensive education of their children as students to achieve a coherent educational action among family values and the principles of Prescott’s Educational project.
Strengthening of their Own Identity and Responsibility in Social, National and Global Development
Help in the strengthening of Peruvian Cultural Identity, promoting political conscience as the basis of their commitment to national development and integration to the global context.
Development of Responsible Conscience towards Life
Promote permanent defense for life in all its forms and the preservation of areas and elements that preserve it.
Organizational Culture
An Organizaiton Culture characterizes us, which we live by and transmit through our daily work:
"Colegio Anglo Americano Prescott, for over five decades, has been an educational institution based on a comprehensive and humanist education that focuses on transcendental motivation, intercultural mindedness, bilingualism, innovation, academic excellence and social responsibility in every educational action.
For our School, it is important to have a human team, committed, ethical, responsible, dynamic, enthusiastic, joyful, and creative that feels passionate for education and accepts that working in this context is fundamental for regional, national and global development and it is the door to building a better future. In this regard, it values and promotes team work, empathic and assertive communication, proactivity, solidarity and effort.
All collaborators evidence the Attributes of the International Baccalaureate, with the institutional Principles and Objectives as a basis. We are aware that our attitude and actions influence the image, effectiveness, performance, unity and confidence of all people who are part of Prescott Community, showing a peculiar way that singles us out from the rest".