
Dear Parents:
My special regards to all of you, and a special welcome to this very important year in the life of our School, 55 years of moving on educating children and youngsters in Arequipa for the World. We would also like to welcome those families who have just become part of our Educational Community.
Family-School relationship is very important for the development of our students, your children, so that they may clearly perceive that there is communion and continuity in their education. For this reason, it is necessary that this relationship should have a fluent and permanent communication.
In this section, you can find very important information about our School and Prescott´s educational duties, an Educational Institution you have chosen to contribute towards the education of your children, whose foundation is undoubtedly provided at home. How important is the good relationship between them.
May this place foster the permanent communication for the sake of our children and young students and families at Prescott in general.
Carmen García Calderón Barreda
Head Principal