Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a body of educational participation that Works as a link between the School and Parents and promotes active participation of parents in their children’s school, involving them and identifying them with Values, Principles and Aims of the School.
This important group is formed by the Heads Council, the Tutors Team of each grade and 114 Parents representing each grade (one family per class), and they share initiatives and work collaboratively on the same goals in benefit of the students:
- Tutor Guidance: Cooperation with the group Tutoring Plan in each grade and class.
- Family Guidance: Support with the Family Orientation Plan in each grade and class.
- Support in the institutional and grade formative programs and activities.
PTA Sports
It is a body conformed by parents that collaborates with the School in order to help with the promotion and boosting of sports at Prescott.
This important group is formed by the Heads Council, the Corporality Team and Parents of Each House and School, who work collaboratively towards the same goals in benefit of the sports education of the students:
- Share initiatives, ideas and projects with the School to foster sports and recreational development in students and parents.
- Actively participate in sports and recreational activities promoted and organized by the School
These programs promote strengthening of the bonds between the members of Prescott Community!